Darrell Graber
Design Specialist/Sales
Personal Information
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Experience :32 years
Personal Experiance
My position in the cabinet industry has given me an outlet for creating things that are functional, that fit and work, all while being able to creatively design and detail them into their own individual spaces.
My original intent was to be an architect, life happened, plans deviated. I originally came to Harlan Cabinets as a draftsman, but found that I had abilities beyond just drafting, and became a design / sales person within my first year here. To be as good as I could be at designing, I had to understand more of the way that the cabinets functioned mechanically, are constructed, and finished. Working for a cabinet manufacturer gave me far more tools and in depth incite from being able to discuss and learn from those here who build the cabinets. That information and experience has been invaluable and greatly appreciated from those who I have worked with over all these years. I am sure when you contact myself you will find this reflected in my work here at Harlan Cabinets, where we manufacture to fit your lifestyle.